R&D evolves rapidly — especially in the past few years. Therapies are getting more sophisticated across cell and gene and other novel platforms, and clinical trial design and execution are too. Between decentralized studies, data science, site operationalization, and other developments, sponsors have more opportunities to set their products on the best path forward.
At the same time, this evolving trial landscape requires an evolving approach to pipelines, processes, and from our perspective, people. With a shifting universe of protocol types an complexity, expert talent is as good as gold to navigate what’s new. But increasingly, demand for candidates has outpaced supply — even well before COVID-19.
In this uncertain labor economy, life science companies need to be agile and open to change management, not just when sourcing solutions but also when finding the right folks to see them through. Inside, we unpack these trends and explore how companies can optimize their approach to people and process to keep preclinical and clinical trials on track. Throughout this report you will see firsthand examples of how we bring EDI&A to life in the world in which we work.