2023 Security Predictions & Trends for DevOps

Earlier this year, JFrog’s Security Research Team performed in-depth analysis of the top 10 most prevalent vulnerabilities in 2022 and found the severity rating of most CVEs were surprisingly OVERRATED. Why, you ask? We will go deep into the data and show you why. Here’s a teaser on what you might learn:

  • Why 6 of the top 10 CVEs had a high CVSS score, but were LOW impact
  • Of the top 50 CVEs, 64% were overrated
  • Of the top 50 CVEs, 10% were underrated

Vulnerabilities should be assessed by both real-world impact as well as how exploitable they are in your local environment; not just the severity score (which is important). If it takes 246 hours to remediate a security issue, companies can’t afford to just “fix everything.”

In this webinar, we discuss how organizations can make better decisions, get better processes and use better tools for their DevOps security initiatives in 2023.

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